Temat: regula i chciane wiadomości

Witam. Mam problem z klasyfikowaniem wiadomosci jako spam - mianowicie duzo z nich trafia niepotrzebnie do smietnika, zamiast do skrzynki odbiorczej. Sa to najczesciej wiadomosci wysylane z formularza na mojej stronie. Jak temu zaradzic? Ponizej przedstawiam przyklady z Regula-Manager

Szukalem oczywiscie rozwiazania w instrukcji, ale nic mi nie przyszlo do glowy. Z gory dzieki za pomoc...


Subject: xxxxxxxxxx
Sender:  xxxxxxxxxxxx
Date:    Tue, 12 Sep 2006 17:57:07 +0200 (CEST)
Msg-Id:  <20060912155707.C2267258837@lgs.net.pl>
Match: Intern rule "RcvIpInRange" (RCVIPINRANGE_GETRONICS: IP range of Getronics Belgium NV / SA (Belgien)), score: 100.
Bayes words:
R:lgs.net.pl (V=0/P=100)
R: (V=0/P=100)
R: (V=3/P=95)
R:localhost (V=6/P=88)
imię (V=13/P=74)
S:apte (V=16/P=69)
R:cest (V=17/P=67)
R:0200 (V=21/P=57)
R:2006 (V=22/P=55)
R:mail (V=26/P=48)
R:spam-scanned (V=26/P=48)
R:v60x.az.pl (V=35/P=31)
Bayes result: 15% spam probability.
Match: Intern rule "BayesScore" (EASYMODE_BAYES_FILTER), score: 15.
DNSBL-Check: by bl.spamcop.net with IP "" - not listed or timed out. Time: 0 mSec.
DNSBL-Check: by bl.spamcop.net with IP "" - skipping internal address.
DNSBL-Check: by bl.spamcop.net with IP "" - skipping internal address.
DNSBL-Check: by list.dsbl.org with IP "" - not listed or timed out. Time: 0 mSec.
DNSBL-Check: by list.dsbl.org with IP "" - skipping internal address.
DNSBL-Check: by list.dsbl.org with IP "" - skipping internal address.
DNSBL-Check: by sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org with IP "" - not listed or timed out. Time: 0 mSec.
DNSBL-Check: by sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org with IP "" - skipping internal address.
DNSBL-Check: by sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org with IP "" - skipping internal address.
Final score is: 100 (115), 2 rules matched >>> SPAM.
Message processed in 31 mSec.

Subject: xxxxxxxxxxx
Sender: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date:    Tue, 12 Sep 2006 17:08:16 +0200 (CEST)
Msg-Id:  <20060912150816.5332B25831A@lgs.net.pl>
Match: Intern rule "RcvIpInRange" (RCVIPINRANGE_GETRONICS: IP range of Getronics Belgium NV / SA (Belgien)), score: 100.
Bayes words:
R:lgs.net.pl (V=0/P=100)
R: (V=0/P=100)
R: (V=3/P=95)
R:localhost (V=6/P=88)
imię (V=13/P=74)
S:apte (V=16/P=69)
R:cest (V=17/P=67)
R:0200 (V=21/P=57)
R:2006 (V=22/P=55)
R:mail (V=26/P=48)
R:spam-scanned (V=26/P=48)
R:v60x.az.pl (V=35/P=31)
Bayes result: 15% spam probability.
Match: Intern rule "BayesScore" (EASYMODE_BAYES_FILTER), score: 15.
DNSBL-Check: by bl.spamcop.net with IP "" - not listed or timed out. Time: 0 mSec.
DNSBL-Check: by bl.spamcop.net with IP "" - skipping internal address.
DNSBL-Check: by bl.spamcop.net with IP "" - skipping internal address.
DNSBL-Check: by list.dsbl.org with IP "" - not listed or timed out. Time: 0 mSec.
DNSBL-Check: by list.dsbl.org with IP "" - skipping internal address.
DNSBL-Check: by list.dsbl.org with IP "" - skipping internal address.
DNSBL-Check: by sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org with IP "" - not listed or timed out. Time: 0 mSec.
DNSBL-Check: by sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org with IP "" - skipping internal address.
DNSBL-Check: by sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org with IP "" - skipping internal address.
Final score is: 100 (115), 2 rules matched >>> SPAM.
Message processed in 16 mSec.


Odp: regula i chciane wiadomości

Twój adres IP pochodzi z belgijskiego Getronicsa który wylistowany jest w rendżach jako SPAMerowaty serwer. Musisz tę jedną regułę wyłączyć i powinno być OK


Odp: regula i chciane wiadomości

Reguła wyłączona - zobaczymy jakie będą efekty - a na razie dzięki za wskazówkę - jak coś, to jeszcze będę prosił o pomoc...


Odp: regula i chciane wiadomości

Mam jeszcze kolejny problem z czymś takim:

Bayes words:
apteka (V=0/P=100)
email (V=93/P=85)
message (V=90/P=80)
from (V=86/P=72)
apte (V=14/P=71)
S:apte (V=15/P=69)
imię (V=17/P=66)
R:cest (V=17/P=65)
nazwisko (V=17/P=65)
R:0200 (V=23/P=55)
original (V=77/P=54)
R:2006 (V=23/P=53)
bardzo (V=77/P=53)
2006 (V=25/P=49)
R:mail (V=28/P=44)
R:spam-scanned (V=28/P=44)
M:6.00.2900.2869 (V=70/P=41)
R:v60x.az.pl (V=35/P=29)
witamy (V=36/P=28)
subject (V=37/P=25)
sent (V=61/P=23)
informacje (V=50/P=1)
Bayes result: 41% spam probability.
Match: Intern rule "BayesScore" (EASYMODE_BAYES_FILTER), score: 41.
DNSBL-Check: by bl.spamcop.net with IP "" - not listed or timed out. Time: 250 mSec.
DNSBL-Check: by bl.spamcop.net with IP "" - not listed or timed out. Time: 249 mSec.
DNSBL-Check: by list.dsbl.org with IP "" - not listed or timed out. Time: 249 mSec.
DNSBL-Check: by list.dsbl.org with IP "" - not listed or timed out. Time: 249 mSec.
DNSBL-Check: by sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org with IP "" - not listed or timed out. Time: 249 mSec.
DNSBL-Check: by sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org with IP "" - LISTED. Time: 249 mSec.
Match: Intern rule "DNSBL" (EASYMODE_DNSBL: sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org), score: 100.
Message marked as SPAM by last rule (score was 141).
Bayes learned this mail as SPAM.
Final score is: 100 (100), 2 rules matched >>> SPAM.
Message processed in 1531 mSec.

lub takim:

Bayes words:
serdecznie (V=0/P=100)
S:apte (V=16/P=67)
R:cest (V=17/P=66)
zamówienie (V=20/P=60)
R:0200 (V=22/P=55)
R:2006 (V=23/P=54)
M:6.00.2900.2869 (V=75/P=51)
pozdrawiam (V=75/P=51)
nowe (V=26/P=48)
R:mail (V=28/P=44)
R:spam-scanned (V=28/P=44)
R:v60x.az.pl (V=35/P=30)
witam (V=52/P=4)
Bayes result: 32% spam probability.
Match: Intern rule "BayesScore" (EASYMODE_BAYES_FILTER), score: 32.
DNSBL-Check: by bl.spamcop.net with IP "" - not listed or timed out. Time: 250 mSec.
DNSBL-Check: by bl.spamcop.net with IP "" - not listed or timed out. Time: 249 mSec.
DNSBL-Check: by list.dsbl.org with IP "" - not listed or timed out. Time: 249 mSec.
DNSBL-Check: by list.dsbl.org with IP "" - not listed or timed out. Time: 249 mSec.
DNSBL-Check: by sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org with IP "" - LISTED. Time: 249 mSec.
Match: Intern rule "DNSBL" (EASYMODE_DNSBL: sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org), score: 100.
Message marked as SPAM by last rule (score was 132).
Bayes learned this mail as SPAM.
Final score is: 100 (100), 2 rules matched >>> SPAM.
Message processed in 1281 mSec.

Z tego co rozumiem, to problem jest z IP - ale w regułach nie znalazłem żadnego wpisu z podanymi IP powyżej...


Odp: regula i chciane wiadomości

Bo nie chodzi dokłądnie o IP a serwer jaki to IP listuje twierdząc, że to SPAMER śle tę pocztę. Musisz albo dodać adres do zaufanych -białej listy, albo wyłączyć regułę dla RBL - sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org


Odp: regula i chciane wiadomości

Tego typu nadawców nie jestem w stanie dodać do białej listy, bo oni się zmieniają - są to klienci.

A gdzie mogę wyłączyć tą regułę, bo nie mogę znaleźć...


Odp: regula i chciane wiadomości

Uzywasz chyba prostych filtrow wiec w pliku EasyDNSBL.dat